How to Create A Virtual Tour

This is a quick guide on how to create virtual tours using the platform. We’ve used a Real Estate example, but the process is the same for any use.

Step 1: Upload Your Photos

Once you sign into your account, you can add new photos (called Snaps) by clicking the “plus” button in the right corner of the screen.

Upload 360 Photos To SeekBeak

From here, you’ll be given the option to upload a single photo or multiple photos. Here’s what it looks like when you upload multiple images. In this case we dragged 5 photos of the house we want to display. You can see we have the option to name and describe each photo, which is very useful for letting viewers know a bit about the rooms they’re looking at.

Upload and host 360 photos Into Seekbeak

Once you’re finished writing your room titles and descriptions, click upload and the platform will load your images into our hosting platform.

Step 2 – Link Photos Together With A Hotspot

Click a Snap and you’ll enter the viewer mode.

In the bottom navigation bar, click Edit to enter edit mode, and start adding hotspots. Add a hotspot wherever you’d like.

In the hotspot menu look for the “Type” icon. Hotspot Type You’re going to turn this hotspot into a link to another Snap.

Click this Icon to open up the “Jump to Snap Menu” Jump To Hotspot

In this section, you’ll be able to select the Group and Snap from which to jump to Jump to 360 images

After you’ve selected the Snap, close the editor and save your changes using the bottom menu. Your photos are now linked together!

Here’s a demonstration:


Step 3 – Edit the Text, Icon, Colour, and More!

One of the platform’s features is customizing each hotspot. You can customize icons, text, colours, animation, and more.

To change the icon, click this button and you’ll be able to choose from a wide variety of in-built icons. If you’d like to upload your own icons, you can do that by selecting Icons from the top left drop down menu in the Dashboard.


To change the colour of the icon, click this option. You’ll be able to change the text, icon, and background to suit your style. We recommend you experiment with many options to find out what you like the most!


Put your Snaps in a Group

While you don’t need to organize your Snaps by group, it’s a handy feature for keeping track of each address or location that you’re making a tour out of! Remember, groups are mainly just for organization, you’re able to link any Snap from any group for a tour.

  1. Click the drop down menu in the top left corner of the Dashboard and select Groups
  2. Open the Add Groups Tab and Input Your Title
  3. Once you’ve created the group, head back to the Snaps area using the drop-down menu
  4. Click the “Folder” button next to the Group selection tab. This will give you the option to move each Snap into your Group
  5. Using the dropdown boxes that appear under each thumbnail, simply choose the group you want to add the Snap to, and it is moved into that group instantly.


Create Group For your 360 photos

7. From here use the Group navigation drop down to select your created Group and see the Snaps inside of it.

Select your 360 image group


 Add A Map / Floor Plan

Did you know you can add floor plans, or other 2d images to help people navigate through your tour? We call them Maps and they are easy to add to your tours. Viewers can use it to help understand where they are in the house or how the layout between floors changes.

To add a Map to a Group of Snaps, select the Map option in the top left drop-down in the Dashboard.


From here, you can upload a Map just like you would a photo.  This Map will now automatically appear in the menu options for all Snaps in the Group.

You can even taking things further by adding in hotspots to the map itself so that users can jump around the house using the map, rather than the hotspots.

Add Hotspots to Your Map


Don’t forget that you can add multiple maps to cover different floors, locations etc. Your viewers will be able to select the different Maps while viewing your Snap.



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